I have thought many times before posting this article as I know it may draw a lot of flak. But before I start, I want to clarify that this blog is not intended to hurt any religion or God. It is a post about my observations of us humans and the things that we do in the name of God.
Religion and politics are two things that I usually do not discuss in detail with people. I feel both of these topics are extremely personal and when one doesn’t see eye-to-eye with others, the argument can turn very ugly indeed. I have seen strong relationships of many years break because of a difference of opinion in this regard.
India is a supposed to be a secular country, which essentially means that religion and the state (politics) have to be kept separate. But this has never been so and I feel that it is now at the peak in the current scenario.

All around me I see religion-based discrimination growing, sometimes escalating to fanaticism even. Friends, who I have known for the better part of my life, have shocked me with this new-found bias. Family who are busy sending forwards every day about how ‘great’ our religion and caste are, don’t seem to understand my stand that everyone is equal. Children in schools and colleges are slowly changing their friend circle to ‘fit in’. It seems to me like we are moving backward, instead of progressing.
Don’t get me wrong. I am a Hindu and proud of it too. I believe in God and a higher power very strongly. I pray every day, in the way that I have been taught to by my parents. I visit temples and celebrate all the festivals with passion. But I don’t think ‘only my God and religion’ are superior.
Many religious monuments are being destroyed now, under the pretext that they earlier belonged to a different religion. By doing this aren’t we repeating the mistake? Aren’t we destroying the rich heritage of this country and her history? Aren’t we feeding the younger generation with intolerance instead of love? Aren’t we teaching them to destroy instead of build?
We all have witnessed so much of loss and pain over the last two years. Shouldn’t we just be thankful to God (whichever form he or she takes), for keeping us safe? When we were in dire straits, did we ask for the religious belief of the doctors or nurses, or warriors who helped us? Shouldn’t we now show ‘humanity’ and let each other be?

Maybe it is time we remembered the great country that we belong to, how welcoming she has always been, and the constitution that we created for ourselves that also speaks of Liberty, Equality of faith, and worship.
The Festival Of Lights is just around the corner. They say the light dispels the darkness, like how good destroys evil. Let us make this Diwali count – Let the darkness of religious bias forever be overshadowed by the brilliance of love.
Blogaberry Dazzle’ hosted by Cindy D’Silva and Noor Anand Chawla in collaboration with Baked Happily Ever After.
This blog is part of Blogchatter’s Cause A Chatter Program that aims raising awareness & making one to pause and think over several social causes. This post is my thoughts on one of the causes for this season: DISCRIMINATION.
I agree with you on some of your points, but one thing I disagree with is that we are a secular country. The term “secular” has instilled discontent in Indians, resulting in the current backlash.
Nice reminder, Vasumathi!
So true! I believe humanity should be the universal religion to be followed and that is what I will try to pass on to my kid. Every religion teaches to believe in their God. Instead we should focus on teaching that there is just one God and all should be spiritual towards spreading humanity.
This festival of light should bring in light in all the directions and dispel every form of darkness from our lives.
My view on this topic is that everything that God teaches is good. It’s how people interpret them that makes us have different opinion with each other, thus, the differences. As long as our goal is towards positivity and having the teachings our religion tells us, I don’t see any reason for us to be on harm nor put others into jeopardy.
God to be is a name which helps me to concentrate and calm my mind when I am stressed, disturbed or feeling helpless. God is within each one of us and God always guide us to be good. But how we as humans interpret it is a big question…. but its true we all have a good and bad side in us and on us to decide which side we will nurture for a meaningful living in this world.
It is natural to have such questions when watching such news on television. I will only say in this matter that due to some politician, India lost its heritage.
I hate competition with religion, I believe each has their own belief and its upto them how they follow. For me what matter is friendship which is the purest for of relationship in any religion.
Fanatics always damage religion. We should live and let live. Not do something just to rile up another community.
Vasumati – I enjoy reading your posts and find them thought provoking.
Born into a family that practices Hinduism, schooled by Catholic nuns, married into a family of Sikhs and a close girl friend who practices Islam, I feel blessed to have experienced various perceptions on religion. My 2 cents -> On an individual level almost everyone agrees that the essence of their religion is to get us closer to God, closer to our spirituality so that loving kindness we can be our highest actualized self. How then does group-think lead individuals to such biases? India is not the only country where religious groups take advantage of our individual deep-rooted biases. I do agree that older civilization suffer more from generations of deep rooted trauma leading to hate. The problem is not with the country or it’s law, it goes deeper into the roots. From destruction of monuments, public or private properties, religious crusades and murder to more benign biases like job preferences, promotions, business advantage etc. These biases have been around from the beginning. There is however a lot more awareness and widespread information as well misinformation which has left it up to the individuals to sieve through it and to introspect. Do I have an individual bias? Am I suspectable to a collective human bias? What can I do about it and how can I welcome the other perspective?
Again, love your post and I hope it creates a respectful dialog or at the very least gives us a pause to introspect.
Beautiful article, Vasumati. Yes I agree with you. Now days hate continue to increasing and one of the main reason is the politicians use religion to spread this kind of intolerance. Every religion is best and we should never forget we live in India.
I believe in the Supreme power ie God and not particularly any religion. Born and married in a Brahmin family, the other members think otherwise. However I truly believe in the concept of Love and let live.
love your post Vasu. I feel the same feelings too n it angers me when people brand others based on religion and use it to typecast them. I am a Hindu by birth but choose to be areligious and m not much of a believer either…. although I follow certain customs and visit places of worship for other reasons.
I wish India were secular but it is just theoretical.
I have brought up AnN areligious too(in my hope that they will become tolerant and unbiased)… n I am happy that they are growing up with an open mindset.
Vasu, the word secular means something only when it doesn’t serve the purpose for one religion. That’s all I want to say. I’ve never argued with anyone about my religion but can and will not accept anyone disrespecting mine. To each his own, with certain necessary rules.
I always believe that each religion has more or less the same message. But power-hungry leaders, both religious and political twist the teachings to their benefit. Some are able to look through this nonsense and some are brainwashed. It is more of the latter these days.
Trust me, almost every day I get into arguments with people. We are a secular country but people don’t seem to understand and follow it. People are becoming selfish.
I agree with you, totally. We actually need to change the preamble. Are we a secular country? The powers to be are planting deep seeds of animosity between religions and communities. Wonder if or when we can truly be a secular state.
Religion, politics, food preferences, health are such personal subjects but for some reason people enjoy breaking these boundaries. Faith is probably the strongest and most misused emotion in the world
A much-needed post. I am so happy to get an opportunity to read and follow your blog, thanks to the Blogaberrydazzle challenge. Even I have not been outspoken about my religious and political views. The recent trend of shunning everyone else’s beliefs because I believe in something is disturbing.
I wholeheartedly agree with you, and find myself disturbed by increasing religious bias too. As writers, we can make a difference by bringing the unjustness of this to light. Interestingly, though the definition of secularism mentioned by you is correct in the traditional sense of the world, our constitution-makers made a clear distinction of describing ‘Secularism’ in the Indian context. Both as a student of history and of law, I have learnt that in the Indian preamble, secularism is not a separation of the state and religion, but an equal treatment and respect of ALL religions. This is the message that we must spread for a happy and equitable future.