Immaterial of being a celebrity or not, isn’t it the constitutional right of a woman to raise her voice against abuse and feel safe in doing so?
Do less popular sports and sports people deserve praise only for the day/week/month that they won?

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Creating A Content Strategy For Your Brand
Immaterial of being a celebrity or not, isn’t it the constitutional right of a woman to raise her voice against abuse and feel safe in doing so?
Do less popular sports and sports people deserve praise only for the day/week/month that they won?
Do you believe in symbols and signs or do you think they can be just a coincidence?
In all the talk of feminism and the mistaken notion that it means to prove that we are better than our male counterparts, have we forgotten that we were fighting for equal rights. This means equal rights for men too and being fair to them.
What does Women’s Day and Feminism mean to you? Should we expect the world to change for us or as women, can we do anything to positively influence it?
A Trip To Cherish With My Gal Pals! The best trips are those that happen without too much planning. The …
I have thought many times before posting this article as I know it may draw a lot of flak. But …
Unless someone initiates a conversation on an touchy topic, it is better to keep our thoughts to ourselves. We must learn to accept people’s privacy even if we are very close to them.
On JN Tata’s 183rd birth anniversary, I take a walk down memory lane with a tribute of how ‘Tata’ is a big part of my life & what makes them stand out as a conglomerate.
Is Valentine’s Day all about celebrating love and your relationship or has it moved away to a showcase of how & where your celebrated it and expensive gifts?
All of us made use of the lockdown times differently. From learning new things to having new experiences, life is all about making the best of what we have.